Selecciones de Nintendo Life eShop & Lectores’ Elección (Marzo 2024)

Característica: Selecciones de Nintendo Life eShop & Readers' Choice (Marzo 2024) 1
Imagen: Nintendo Life

Spring has sprung, and so has the next edition of eShop Selects.

This time, we’re looking at the best hidden gems — as voted for by Nintendo Life staff — alongside a separate poll for the Reader’s Choice for March’s eShop releases. You’ll see the winner of the latter at the bottom of the article.

We’ve been trialling the ReadersChoice for a few months now, and for April’s eShop Selects, we’ll be changing how we release the ReadersChoice vote. En lugar, we’ll be sharing the poll alongside the eShop Selects post instead of beforehand.

Aaaanyway, let’s spring into action, shall we?

Honourable mentions

We’ve had reviews growing out of our ears this month despite it being a “más tranquilo” uno. ¿Qué es a quiet release month in 2024, eh? We included games we scored 7/10 or above in the staff poll this time around; here’s what didn’t quite make the top three.

Nintendo Life’s honourable mentions

With speed to rival Sónico and transformations to match Mega Man, Berserk Boy nails the retro 2D-style platforming and gunning that we’re constantly champing at the bit for. Nailing that 16-bit aesthetic, Berserk Boy is delightfully fun and replayable, blending traditional SNES platformers with some Metroidvania backtracking. It launched at the beginning of March, and we highly recommend you check it out if you haven’t already — we scored it an 8/10 en nuestra revisión.

The second game in Digital Eclipse’s Gold Master Series, Llamasoft: The Jeff Minter Story is an incredible compilation y history lesson on one of the most unique figures in the industry today. We’re still in love with the idea of these interactive documentaries that allow you to play the games and learn about the people behind them. You tener to play these games as you go through Minter’s life because tracking the development of these games in order is a joy. We gave Llamasoft a 9/10 en nuestra revisión. A gold star, en efecto.

Drill Dozer ventiladores, wherever you are — you need to check out Pepper Grinder. This sort of spiritual sequel is full of charm, colour, y personalidad, bursting with fantastic level design and unique mechanics which see you play as a pirate exploring the world with her drill. If this sounds even remotely fun to you, then you better head to the eShop and check out the demo. We could also take twice as many levels, or a sequel, or something else from this unique platformer. Pepper Grinder drills down and strikes gold, and we awarded it un 9/10 en nuestra revisión. It’s a more than worthy winner in our staff eShop Selects poll this month.

eShop Selects Reader’s Choice Winner (Marzo 2024)

GANADOR: Death Trick: Double Blind

Lots and lots of games got your votes this month, but the clear winner of the ReadersChoice poll is a game that featured in an Indie World Showcase last year — Death Trick: Double Blind. ganar con 17% de los votos, Death Trick sees you swapping between two different perspectives to help solve a mystery at the circus.

Lots of other games tied for second place — a couple of rereleases among the pack — but the two that stood our are two hits that are both on Steam and have proven a hit with readers.

Reader’s honourable mentions

< Selecciones de Nintendo eShop – Febrero 2024

Cómo decidimos nuestra eShop Selecciona los tres primeros: A medida que llegamos al final de cada mes, el personal de Nintendo Life vota por sus títulos favoritos de una lista de juegos seleccionados por el equipo editorial. Para calificar para esta lista, estos juegos deben haber sido lanzados como un título de Nintendo Switch eShop solo digital en ese mes en particular, y debe haber sido revisado en Nintendo Life; seleccionamos los juegos de clasificación en función de sus puntajes de revisión.

Luego se le pide al personal que vote por tres juegos que creen que merecen estar justo en la parte superior de esa lista.; la primera opción obtiene 3 puntos, la segunda opción obtiene 2 puntos, y la tercera opción obtiene 1 punto. These votes are then tallied to create a top-three list, con el ganador general llevándose el premio mayor de ese mes.