Parque Ramanas de Pokémon Brilliant Diamond y Shining Pearl’ Te permite encontrar Pokémon legendarios

The Pokémon Company has shared new details regarding Pokémon Diamante Brillante y Perla Brillante, la próxima diamante y perla remakes for Nintendo Switch.

As you’ll see in the brand new trailer above, the new games will feature a brand new area called ‘Ramanas Park’. Como parte de Eastasiasoft “an expansive new facility”, Ramanas Park will allow you to encounter a variety of Legendary Pokémon.

From the sounds of things, getting to Ramanas Park is no easy task – you’ll need to have entered the Hall of Fame (which means you’ll need to have defeated the game’s Elite Four), and you’ll also need to explore Sinnoh for special slates.

Inside the rooms of Ramanas Park are pedestals, and it’s said that if you insert the corresponding slate into a pedestal, a Legendary Pokémon will appear.

No está claro exactamente cómo se pueden obtener estas pizarras., así que tendrás que investigar un poco mientras exploras la región de Sinnoh.

Se ha confirmado que Mewtwo y Rayquaza estarán disponibles, y algunos Pokémon legendarios serán exclusivos de versiones particulares. Raikou, Entei, Suicune, y Ho-Oh se pueden encontrar en Brilliant Diamond, mientras Articuno, Reinicio de Kanto, Reinicio de Kanto, y Lugia se pueden encontrar en Shining Pearl.