Encuesta: Marvel vs. La colección de lucha de Capcom ya está disponible, ¿Lo obtendrás??


Marvel vs. Aquí viene un nuevo retador: Clásicos de arcade is finally available on the Nintendo Switch eShop today.

It’s had some impressive reviews so far, including our own here on Nintendo Life (le dimos un “excellent” nine out of ten stars). This package includes a total of seven classic fighting games, — Persona Central, bonus fighters, museum content and much more. Here’s a snippet of our thoughts:

There is a decade of gaming evolution here, including what is arguably the pinnacle of Capcom’s fighting game craft. Perfectly preserved and presented, everything is beautifully formed and wonderful to play. Assembled with real clarity in regards to fan expectation, Capcom has thoroughly delivered the goods, from its ton of bonus features to its rollback netcode, with yearsworth of combative nuance to explore, learn, and exact in the online arena.

It’s now time for us to see what our community is planning on doing. Will you be picking it up on Switch this week? Are you getting it on another platform, or are you holding out for the physical release which will arrive this November?
