Pedidos anticipados para Mario Strikers: Pedidos anticipados para Mario Strikers (Reino Unido)


mario huelguistas
Imagen: Nintendo Reino Unido

mario huelguistas: Liga de batalla was one of the most pleasant surprise announcements of the year so far, with the latest from developer Next Level Games arriving on June 10th.

Si reside en el Reino Unido, pre-orders of the game directly from Mi tienda Nintendo will bag you a lovely, cosy scarf; so next time you’re at a real-life football match, you can be safe in the knowledge that supporters of both teams will marvel at your exquisite fashion taste. If you’ve already pre-ordered the game, your order will be upgraded to include the scarf.

The game will cost £49.99 from My Nintendo Store, but given some scarves can easily cost the same price – si no más – we’d say you’re getting a pretty good deal here.

Mientras tanto, we took a good dive into the debut trailer for the game to see what nuggets of information we can get from it. Check it out via the link below!

Vídeo: Let’s Really Look At The Direct Trailer For Mario Strikers: Liga de batalla en el interruptor

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Will you be picking up Mario Strikers: Battle League when it launches on June 10th? If you’re opting to bag the free scarf, let us know how you’re planning to flaunt it!
