Polvo Línea de Operación Rainbow Six cerco a conocer la nueva marina de guerra sella Operadores

US Navy Seals

The Rainbow Six Siege team has revealed early details on Operation Dust Line, la second major content update for the game, which is scheduled for release in early May. Much like Operation Black Ice before it, Operation Dust Line features two new operators from a counterterrorism unit. For this update, it will be Valkyrie and Blackbeard from the US Navy SEALs. You can tune into the PC Rainbow Six Pro League Finals on May 7 to learn more about Valkyrie, Blackbeard, and the rest of the content coming in Dust Line. Rainbow Six Siege Season Pass holders will get access to the new Operators the week of May 9.

Operation Dust Line is the second of four major content updates scheduled for the year. It comes after Operation Black Ice, which featured two new Operators from Canada’s Joint Task Force 2 – Frost and Buck – as well as the new Yacht map.

Operation Dust Line

Rainbow Six Siege is available on Xbox One, PS4, y PC. We’ll post more details on Operation Dust Line as they become available. Mientras tanto, check out these previous stories on Rainbow Six Siege:

Rainbow Six Siege – Post-Launch Maps, Operators and Modes

Rainbow Six Pro League anuncia la segunda temporada, Las fechas de la Primera Temporada Finales

Rainbow Six Siege - Operación Negro CIE aporta nuevos contenidos y mejoras

Rainbow Six Siege Dos and Don’ts

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