Aleatorio: 13 Centinelas: El estuche para interruptores de Aegis Rim esconde un adorable secreto

13 Sentinels Aegis Rim Cat
Imagen: Atlus / Vainilla

Vanillaware’s latest title, 13 Centinelas: Borde Aegis, finalmente aterrizó en Switch ayer, permitiéndote traer el misterio cargado, lucha contra mechas, historia alucinante sobre la marcha con usted. But if you have a physical release of the game, it seems like the surprises start even before you get a chance to boot up the game.

Hace unos días, Usuario de Twitter @5wayshot got a boxed version of the game ahead of time. When they open the box, it looks like it’s just plain and white inside, which is a little bit boring! Dig a bit deeper, and remove the cartridge, and there’s something waiting for you:

oooh! An adorable little kitty! This little cat shows up throughout 13 Centinelas, with characters often fawning over its soft fur, so he gains the nameFluffy” as a result.

We had a little hunt online to see if anyone else had managed to spot this black and white moggy hiding under their Switch cartridge, and we’ve got more footage of this mystery being uncovered.

Whether these two actually spotted the cat is another thing, but he was right there! We saw him! We swear. It’s a pretty easy thing to miss, para ser sincero. If you’re just a little less observant or a collector who never opens their cases, you’ll never get to uncover the mystery of the cat in the box.

If you have the physical release of 13 Centinelas: Aegis Rim on Switch, go and pay your furry friend a visit. Y, bien, why wouldn’t you have the game already? Le dimos un 9 /10 en nuestra reseña, and we think it’s absolutely marvellous.

Are there any other fun secrets inside Switch cases you can think of? Let us know if you remember or find any!