Aleatorio: Imágenes beta del Kirby N64 Racer cancelado se deslizan hacia Internet

Beta footage can often be a double-edged sword. On the one hand you get to see the origins of some of your favourite gameswith poorer graphics and mechanics to bootbut on the other you occasionally experience a sense of delayed loss, especially when seeing footage from a game that never saw the light of day.

We are currently in the stages of something like this after watching JuegoXplain‘s latest video (Gracias, ir nintendo for the heads up) which breaks down footage from a Japanese promotional video for the Super Mario 64 soundtrack – pfft, as if those bangers needed promotion. Aside from some pre-release Mario footage, the advert also contains a small number of clips from the cancelled Kirby’s Air Ride game on the N64. Some of this footage has appeared online in the past, aunque la mayor calidad de este video realmente nos da un adelanto de lo que podría haber sido el corredor de bolas de aire de la consola.

Por supuesto, Kirby's Air Ride se lanzó más tarde en GameCube (dejando caer la 's’ por un título en última instancia menos posesivo, Paseo aéreo de Kirby) aunque las imágenes que se muestran en el desglose de GameXplain demuestran cómo se habría visto el juego con el potencial gráfico reducido del N64.

Aparte de estas claras diferencias visuales, la pequeña cantidad de imágenes también sugiere que la mecánica del juego N64 puede haber sido un cambio marcado con respecto a las que vimos en la versión lanzada. Parece que la jugabilidad de este video beta se parece más a una carrera cuesta abajo que a la experiencia final al estilo Mario Kart del juego GameCube.. Notice how Kirby and King Dedede are stand-up surfing on their warp stars instead of their eventual seated position? Totally gnarly dude!

The promotional video (originally posted to YouTube by Tanks Caps) also contains footage of a five-racer version of Carrera de olas 64 (la Cambiar puerto of which we currently can’t get enough of), the preliminarily titled ‘Mario Kart R’ – which would go on to become Mario Kart 64with original item sprites and character icons in place of their released version, and original footage of Ojo dorado 007 y Blast Corps. While some of this footage may not be new to us, we will never pass up the chance to see some un-released mechanicsespecially if it involves SSX-Kirby.

What do you make of this Kirby footage? Exit mouthful mode and let us know in the comments!