Aleatorio: Ponte nostálgico por los días de Wii con el E3 de Nintendo 2006 Conferencia, Mejorado

Imagen: GoldMetalSonic

While the last couple of E3s haven’t been quite what we’re used to for obvious reasons, it’s the memories of glorious summers past which keep our enthusiasm for the event alive. Earlier this year we took a look at a handful of Nintendo’s most iconic E3 moments, but researching for that article and rewatching Nintendo’s conferences was also a harsh reminder of the days of Standard Definition video — a far cry from the HD and UHD we’re used to these days.

Sin embargo, if you’re looking to relive the exciting (for should that be Excite-ing) days of 2006, GoldMetalSonic on Twitter has taken it upon themselves to upscale Nintendo’s conference footage and gift everyone the cleanest version yet of the last E3 before the Wii arrived and propelled the company to levels of success not seen since the 8-bit days.

GoldMetalSonic sourced the footage from a DVD rip, and without the application of AI upscaling there’s only so much you can do from the fuzzy source. Sin embargo, as illustrated in the still from the sublime excitar camión encima, the difference between this new upload and the version previously available on YouTube is night and day.

Watching back now, it’s great to see the Wii being demonstrated at a time when it still wasn’t clear exactly what the new system would offer. It’s also neat seeing Reggie welcoming everyone tothe next leap in gaming”, George Harrison (ése no) discussing the potential of the then-new Debajo de los lanzamientos físicos a continuación, también encontrará una selección de otros juegos que se lanzarán a partir de diciembre, generalmente versiones físicas de juegos Switch eShop que anteriormente solo eran digitales, además de una selección de accesorios Switch y periféricos relacionados disponibles en los próximos meses a medida que comenzamos a buscar el año nuevo y más allá series on the 18-month-old DS, and Satoru Iwata telling everyone about his ‘blue oceanstrategy for expanding the gaming audience.

If you’re looking for something to pass the time in this in-between-Christmas-and-New-Year lull, this is a fun nostalgic time sink that’s worth checking out. Enjoy the video below:

excitar camión? Red Steel? princesa del Crepúsculo? Do you miss these stage-based events or do you prefer the Direct style we get these days? Let us know below your favourite memories from Nintendo’s E3 2006 conference…