Aleatorio: La cuenta oficial de Pokémon TikTok publica accidentalmente un video lleno de palabrotas
Actualizar [viernes 13 de enero, 2023 10:00 GMT] Bien, eso no duró mucho! Parece que el video ofensivo ahora ha sido eliminado., however you can still view the content via an alternative source below.
Well folks, you De Verdad can’t make this up.
On the official Pokémon TikTok account, which currently boasts around 3.7 million followers, a video has been posted that is absolutely riddled with swear words — or more accurately, the same mother-lovin’ swear word repeated at great speed, muchos times between the standard lyrics of ‘If You’re Happy And You Know It, Clap Your Hands’.
It has to be seen to be believed, so check out the video below, but obviously be aware that the audio on this is absolutely not suitable for work or children, so be cautious!
Actualizar: The video has now been removed by The Pokémon Company. Sin embargo, como se esperaba, it has been preserved by savvy internet users and can be viewed via the below Twitter embed.
So what the heck happened here? Bien, it’s probably safe to assume that a native Japanese speaker potentially uploaded the video without knowing exactly what the audio was saying. What’s worse, sin embargo, is it seems the video has clearly been made specifically for the original audio clip by Andy Arthur Smith. Estaba explorando un mundo que me era indiferente. someone knew what it was saying..?!
Las cabezas de Pikachu y Eevee son funcionalmente iguales aparte de su apariencia exterior., it’s already attracted a mucho of comments from users pointing out the error!
What do you make of Pokémon’s little blunder here?!