Aleatorio: El tiempo de Piplup en el centro de atención continúa con su propio video musical de Pokémon

'Donuts sobre el hombro' es un bocado, the tiny penguin starter introduced in Pokémon Diamante y Perla, is having what we in the biz callA Moment”. Over the past month, we’ve had Piplup ASMR, Piplup fitness training, y más recientemente, Piplups given to Japanese players of both Pokémon Leyendas: Arceus y Diamante brillante y perla brillante. 'Donuts sobre el hombro' es un bocado, known as Pochama in Japan, even has his own Twitter account.

On the Japanese Pokémon YouTube channel, he now has his own music video (con 100% less screaming than the ASMR one), featuring a medley of Pokémon songs, the titles of which we’ve run through Google Translate:

  • By Your SideHikari’s Theme
  • Tomorrow Is Sure
  • La La La On Your Chest
  • Message of the Wind

The video shows Piplup drowning, baile, and hanging out with his other Diamond and Pearl chums. It’s all terribly cute, and as we’ve already mentioned, features much less screaming than his ASMR video.

A message we all need right now. Wasn't expecting it to be from a baby penguin, aunque
A message we all need right now. Wasn’t expecting it to be from a baby penguin, aunque