Aleatorio: Hemos matado a demasiados awoofies en Kirby y la tierra olvidada

Kirby And The Forgotten Land Awoofies Mouthful Mode Trailer
Imagen: Nintendo / Laboratorio HAL

No video game character in the world is as cute as Kirby, derecho? Nothing is terrifying or evil about a pink blob that can suck up or eat anything, and nothing is unsettling about the lore of the games or the enemies or cualquier cosa.

Pero bueno, at least the Awoofies are cute. These adorable little puppies are found everywhere in Kirby and the Forgotten Land. They have chubby legs, little noses, and pointy ears. They’re also incredibly fluffy — who would want to hurt them?? Bien, us, the player, aparentemente.

El oficial Japanese Kirby Twitter account has shared some pretty monstrous data that has us feeling a bit terrible about ourselves — so we want to share it with everyone to make sure you wallow in collective guilt with us!

In the game’s hub, Waddle Dee Town, there’s a character known as Wise Waddle Dee who shares information that he’s collected from players all over the world. And one of those bits of detail is *gulp* how many awoofies players have killed. And the body count of these sweet little pups has reached an enormous high — one billion.

Here’s a very rough machine translation of what Kirby_JP’s tweet says:

Hola a todos! This is Waddle Dee.
This time I will deliver worldwide information!
The number of Awoofies Kirby has slaughtered has exceeded 1 billion in the world!
But it’s a tremendous number … As expected, Kirby!

As expected? Is Wise Waddle Dee saying Kirby is a murderer? Does that mean we’re murderers? We can’t take the thought of contributing to this high number — it breaks our hearts. Pero, bien, todo fue por la paz y salvar el mundo, derecho? Eso es lo que nos diremos a nosotros mismos..

El tuit fue compartido en Reddit., donde usuario maquinilla de afeitar reveló que la palabra japonesa para “kill” también se puede usar para decir “vencer”. Pero matar es obviamente la palabra óptima aquí para máxima culpa.. Aunque el traductor de Google nos hace sentir aún peor al usar “sacrificio”. Así que nos sentimos mal de cualquier manera que se ponga.

Bien, Suponemos que nos instalamos cuando hicimos esta lista en la que clasificamos a los enemigos de Kirby y los Awoofies en un lugar bastante alto.:

¿Te sientes mal por contribuir al conteo de muertes de Awoofy?? ¿O estás dispuesto a hacer cualquier cosa para salvar el mundo?? Háganos saber sus pensamientos sobre Kirby en los comentarios.!