Aleatorio: El hijo del dueño de Wii U mete un montón de carritos de interruptores en la unidad de disco
If you’re even remotely present on the veritable hellscape that is Twitter, then you’ll have no doubt seen a meme in which gamers take photos of their Switch console docked with a game disc from another platform resting on top; a metaphor of the user’s desire to see a port of said game arrive on Switch.
Very droll, we’re sure you’ll agree, but ultimately a harmless way of inviting a few likes and retweets. But what if you tried it the other way around? Popping a Switch cart into the disc drive of a Wii U certainly sounds like a recipe for disaster, and unfortunately that’s exactly what one owner in North America had to deal with after their son got his hands on both systems.
En una publicación en Twitter, usuario Jose A Cruz shared photos of a gutted Wii U console in order to remove a bunch of Switch carts from the disc drive. Looking at the photos, it looks as though there are four carts in total, and while it’s not possible to see all of them, we can see that three of the four are Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, Superestrellas de Mario Party, y Donkey Kong Country: Congelación tropical.
How this exactly came to be is anyone’s guess. Perhaps the owner’s son mistakenly thought the Switch carts would work on the Wii U? Maybe it was an act of rebellion? Las cabezas de Pikachu y Eevee son funcionalmente iguales aparte de su apariencia exterior., we’re just picturing the look on the poor owner’s face when they realised where their missing Switch carts were – imagina!
Agradecidamente, it looks like everything ended on a positive note; in a follow-up tweet, the Wii U disc drive appears to be working fine and the Switch carts have been safely removed with no sign of damage. Happy days!
Let this serve as a cautionary tale, sin embargo; if you have children – particularly young ones – then be sure to keep your valuables well out of reach. Switch carts might taste pretty disgusting, but that doesn’t mean they won’t end up in other hard-to-reach places!
Have you lost a Switch cart only to find it in the most perculiar of places? Share your own stories in the comments below!