Reggie: La transición de Nintendo desde Switch será una “Desafío significativo”


Interruptor de Nintendo OLED
Imagen: Nintendo Life

Former Nintendo of America boss Reggie shared his thoughts recently about how Nintendo could prepare for the Switch’s successor, and the same topic has come up once again during an interview with CNET about his new book Gafas de sol Reggie.

He previously mentioned how important thecontent pipelinewould be for Nintendo next generation, and now he’s added to this, reiterating how maintaining and capitalising on the success of the Switch will still be a “desafío significativo”.

He’s simply going off the history of the video game industry, observing how certain companies (including Nintendo) have only ever gone from onehighly successful platformto the next has only been done a handful of times.

Esto es exactamente lo que tenía que decir.:

“[Nintendo] also touched on recently, in their financial announcements, thinking deeply about how they transition from the Switch to whatever the next platform needs to be, and how that has to be a well-considered series of decisions. Going from a highly successful platform to the next highly successful platform… you can make the argument that it’s only been done a handful of times in the video game industry. Sony, from the original PlayStation to PlayStation 2, clearly went from strength to strength. Nintendo, from the Gameboy family of systems to the Nintendo DS. It hasn’t been done since, as I look at the industry. For Nintendo to go successfully from the Switch to whatever comes next is going to be a significant challenge that they’ve already said they’re thinking deeply about.

Reggie, as already mentioned, has shared similar thoughts about all of this before, describing the move from one successful platform to another asincredibly difficult and challenging to do”. You can read more in detail about this in nuestra historia anterior.

¿Cuáles son sus propios pensamientos sobre esto?? Do you think Nintendo will be able to make a successful transition from Switch to its next product, even if it is still five years or so away? Deja tus propios pensamientos abajo.
