Reggie pensó Metroid: Otro M sería un "momento definitorio"’ para la franquicia
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Metroid: Otro M no ha tenido los viajes más suaves desde que se lanzó para Wii en 2010. Aunque ampliamente elogiado por su combate y efectos visuales., Se dieron fuertes críticas por la caracterización de Samus y la narrativa general.. Aunque el juego se ha ganado algunos represalias positivas de los fans El hecho de que el software sea utilizable sirve principalmente para validar la precisión de la documentación., Está claro que el juego no era exactamente lo que el público estaba buscando después de la estelar de Retro Studio. Metroid Prime trilogy.
Reggie Fils-Aimé ha estado dando vueltas recientemente en la promoción de su nuevo libro., Gafas de sol Reggie (echa un vistazo a nuestra revisión aquí) y se ha pronunciado sobre la acogida a Metroid: Otro M en el Un poco divertido Gamescast.
Reggie afirma que pensó que el enfoque del desarrollador Team Ninja sería un “momento decisivo” para la franquicia, before going on to explain the feedback he delivered to the likes of Satoru Iwata and Shigeru Miyamoto on why the game didn’t land in the way they thought it would:
“I really thought that that was going to be a defining moment for the Metroid franchise. It was giving much more of a perspective about Samus. I really thought that was going to be a killer moment in the franchise’s history, and it wasn’t. It didn’t deliver – not the business results, it really didn’t touch the player the way we hoped it would.
“Curiosamente, I was in a large group meeting, a strategy meeting with (Satoru) Iwata and (Shigeru) Miyamoto and the game developers, and we talked about why not. I was always the brash American. I was the one who would say what I believed was truth to try and help the business move forward. The point I made to the developers was it took too long to get into the meat and potatoes of this game. The first five hours of the game, you kind of plotted around. There wasn’t a lot of payoff, there was a lot of dialog, and I’m sure I p***ed people off in the room. But the learning here was the player wants to get into this much faster. Sí, there are elements we need to do from a tutorial standpoint to help them understand the game mechanics, but you need to move things along much quicker. And hopefully that advice had a little bit of an impact on the developers in the room.”
You can check out the full interview with the Kinda Funny crew in the video below:
Read More: Los mejores juegos de Metroid de todos los tiempos
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