Reminder: You Can Now Download A Free Lite Version Of Chocobo GP On Switch

Chocobo GP is out now on the Nintendo Switch, and if you’re still on the fence about it, there’s no need to worry because Square Enix is offering players a chance to play the game before they buy the whole thing.
In fact, the free ‘Chocobo GP Lite’ offering isn’t a bad deal at all – it actually gives players access to the Story Prologue in single-player and also allows you to participate in the “Chocobo GP” mode, which is 64 tournament mode where you participate in races made up of 8 players.
There are three characters to choose from in GP’s Lite version – Chocobo, Shirma and Ben. And if you have a friend with a full copy of the game, you can access the regular local and online multiplayer modes.
One other handy thing is that save data (items and currency) will carry over to the full version of the game, if you do choose to upgrade. Will you be trying out this Lite version of Chocobo GP? Have you already upgraded? Tell us down in the comments.