Resident Evil 0 T-Shirt Contest Stage 2 comienza, new dev diary available

La Resident Evil 0 Concurso de camisetas en el juego has entered the next stage, and we’re still looking for your creative designs, as well as your votes! Como recordatorio, anyone who votes at any point during the contest will receive a free download code for the winning design when the game releases in early 2016.

Contest page

Mientras tanto, the enlightening “Resident Evil 0 Developer Diary 1 vídeo, previously only viewable to contest participants, is now viewable to everyone! Take a look for yourself after the jump, o head here for all the latest RE0 news.

Pretty cool, eh? If you like this type of thing, be sure to take part in Stage 2 of the contest to get early access to the Developer Diary 2, which is available now to participants!

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