SEGA se vuelve grande con la nostalgia por “Proyecto Sonic '22”

Sonic Next Level
Imagen: SEGA

It’s a big year for Sonic, hopefully – well it es a big year with multiple games and the next movie, let’s just hope it’s also a good año. SEGA is eager to get us hyped for 2022 with its mascot and is kickstarting theSonic ’22 Project”, which is basically awe’re doing Sonic stuff and want you to be excitedPR project.

There is a good amount going on in terms of games this year, con Fronteras sónicas confirmed for Switch and Sonic Origins (a compilation of the 16-Bit and CD games) presumiblemente coming to Nintendo’s system. The project’s logo taps into the world that’s been teased for Frontiers, and the boxed text of ‘Welcome to the Next Level’ es en realidad un throwback to SEGA marketing of the ’90s.

Sonic Next Level2
Imagen: SEGA

You can see the Japanese hub site for this, including links to download wallpapers of the images above, right here. No doubt we’ll get an equivalent site for other territories soon; at the moment the English Sonic site is still focused on last year’s 30th Anniversary festivities.

Are you excited about another big year for Sonic? Let us know, as always, en los comentarios.