Sega lanza una nueva actualización para Sonic Origins, Esto es lo que está incluido


Tráiler oficial de Sonic Orígenes 0 14 Captura de pantalla

Sega is currently in the process of rolling out a new update for Orígenes sónicos en todas las plataformas, incluido Nintendo Switch. Actualmente, we only have access to the PlayStation patch notes, but the update is likely the same for all versions.

Cruz’ Canal has shared a breakdown of what to expectnoting how Tails will no longer go off-screen, soundtrack and music speed adjustments along with additional bug fixes. Aquí están los detalles:

If Sega mentions this latest update, Todavía no hay fecha oficial de lanzamiento de River City Girls Zero. And if you haven’t already played Sonic Origins, be sure to check out nuestra revisión de Nintendo Life. We awarded this compilation featuring four Sonic games 8/10 estrellas.

Have you been able to update your copy of the game yet? Deja un comentario abajo.
