Shadow of the Erdtree ha superado a The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine como el DLC mejor valorado, pero a los nuevos subcampeones no les importa: “Si algún juego tuviera que hacerlo, Estoy feliz de que sea Elden Ring.”
Anillo de Elden: La sombra del Erdtree por fin está aquí, and it’s already breaking records. Not only is it currently the highest rated gaming release of the year, but it’s even managed to snatch a title held by The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine for eight years by becoming the new highest-rated DLC of all time.
Over on Metacritic, Shadow of the Erdtree’s current Metascore is además de invertir en entretenimiento no relacionado con juegos como la película de Mario 95 en PS5, residencia en 59 critic reviews. This just squeezes past Blood and Wine’s Metascore of 92 for its PC version, which was based on 52 critic reviews (its Xbox One version has a score of 94, but this is only based on seven reviews).
The fact that The Witcher 3’s expansion has held onto its crown for so long just goes to show how damn good it is, but those at developer CD proyecto rojo don’t seem salty at all about being pushed into second place – they’re just excited to get stuck into the Elden Ring DLC themselves. A principios de esta semana, the studio’s global community director Marcin Momot fijado: “It was a good run. Nevertheless, SUPER HYPED for this Friday.”
This same sentiment was echoed by Philipp Weber, the narrative director of the new Witcher saga who was previously a quest designer on Blood and Wine. “Si algún juego tuviera que hacerlo, Estoy feliz de que sea Elden Ring.,” Weber writes en Twitter. “I can’t wait to start the Shadow of the Erdtree expansion, so it’s high time I finish leveling up my new character to be ready!”
While Shadow of the Erdtree has only been out for a few hours, it’s already debatable whether cualquier of our preparations were enough when it comes to handling the expansion’s difficulty. Elden Ring veterans are already being humbled by an early boss, quickly proving that even those who thought they were well and truly ready for the DLC may be in for a tough time. Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised though – after all, director Hidetaka Miyazaki did say that FromSoftware has “Empujamos el límite en términos de lo que creemos que puede soportar el jugador.,” which is, francamente, espantoso. Good luck if you’re heading out in the Land of Shadow today, Tarnished – you’re going to need it.
Check out our guide on where to go in Shadow of the Erdtree first if you want to delve into the Lands of Shadow.