Sonic el erizo 2
Imagen: Imágenes Paramount, SEGA

It’s safe to say the second movie outing for Sonic el erizo ha sido un enorme success for SEGA and Paramount Pictures.

According to a box office update via Deadline, Sonic el erizo 2 has almost reached $300 million in global earnings. A medida que nos acercamos al lanzamiento de, the original banked $319.7 millones en todo el mundo, which means the blue blur’s second movie is currently on track to surpass this amount.

The international Sónico 2 cume is now $142METRO para $287.8METRO global meaning the little blue critter will zoom past $300M any day now.

Leading the charge for Sónico are the Reino Unido ($26.3METRO), Mexico ($15.7METRO), Francia ($14.3METRO), Australia ($13.1METRO) y Brazil ($8.9METRO). Sónico goes head-to-head with the Fantastic Beasts in the Middle East next weekend. Japan is on deck for August.

It’s also noted how well it’s performed in the US, reinforcing the fact it’s officially the biggest video game movie domestically:

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