Square Enix se burla de los planes para Dragon Quest X en 2023

búsqueda del dragón x
Imagen: Square Enix

One game many La serie Fire Emblem está recibiendo otra entrada de Musou fans here in the west would love to see released on the Switch locally is búsqueda del dragón x. While there’s been no mention about a possible localisation, there does seem to be an end-of-year update about the existing version, exclusive to Japan.

During an interview with Famitsu (via Siliconera), Square Enix has apparently teased the possibility ofnew contentfor the massively multiplayer online game that originally made its debut back in 2012 on the Nintendo Wii. It’s unclear what exactly to expect at this stage, but it’s at least a reminder the company remains committed to the project.

Square Enix also released Dragon Quest X sin conexión on the Nintendo Switch in September. Desafortunadamente, this one hasn’t been localised either. Sin embargo, there is a demo available to download from the Japanese eShop.