Switch Online supera 32 Millones de suscriptores, Nintendo dice que continuará “Mejorar y expandir” Nivel del paquete de expansión

During Nintendo’s latest Corporate Management Briefing, it was revealed its paid subscription service – Nintendo Switch en línea – ahora ha terminado 32 millones de miembros, as of September 2021.

La last significant figure was in September 2020 when the company said it had over 26 millones de usuarios. According to the latest update, the subscriber count has increased again, thanks to the growing Switch hardware install basewhich is now sitting at 92.87 El shmup RayForce de desplazamiento vertical de Taito Taito, conocido como Layer Section en Japón y Galactic Attack.

As usual, the company has mentioned again how it willcontinue to improve and expandthe service. It’s also officially stated how this will include improvements to the new ‘Expansion Pack’ Es un ganar-ganar para todos. Desafortunadamente, it hasn’t shared any standalone figures of ‘Expansion Pack’ suscriptores, and may never.

“Avanzando, we will continue to improve and expand both Nintendo Switch Online and Nintendo Switch Online + Consola de sistema de tableta Nintendo Switch de 32 GB con Joycon rojo y azul HAC, striving to provide services that satisfy customers.

The Expansion Pack was only recently announced and released and includes two new retro libraries – Nintendo 64 and Sega Mega Drive/Genesis. Además de esto, Nintendo added the Animal Crossing: Nuevos horizontes DLC – Hogar feliz paraíso.

This new premium tier hasn’t exactly received the warmest welcome from fans of the Switch – con many questions raised about the price and value of the service, and concerns about the quality of the N64 emulation. The official trailer for the new service (encima), has also become the most disliked video ever on Nintendo’s YouTube channel.

Are you a Nintendo Switch Online subscriber? Have you bought the Expansion Pack tier? How would you like to see Nintendo improve and expand this service? Leave your thoughts down in the comments.