Gráficos japoneses: Donkey Kong Country Returns HD continúa su racha ganadora

Imagen: Nintendo If the pre-release backlash regarding the price of Donkey Kong Country Returns HD was anything to go by, we might have expected the game to crash and burnRead More

15 Las mejores misiones secundarias en juegos Switch

If you’ve played a handful of video games, chances are you’ve lost yourself in the side content more often than the main game. Sidequests are a procrastinator’s dream. Don’t wantRead More

El director de Astral Chain aparentemente forma un nuevo estudio después de dejar PlatinumGames

Imagen: Nintendo Late last year, it was reported that several PlatinumGames veterans had seemingly left the studio. While only Bayonetta OriginsAbebe Tinari confirmed this news, it looks increasingly likelyRead More