54 Switch Ports que nos encantaría ver antes de que termine la generación

Imagen: Nintendo Life Since 2017, we’ve seen a huge number of ports come to Switch, many of which seemed like impossibilities beforehand. Surprises like Doom (2016), which turned up inRead More

Los mejores juegos de Shin Megami Tensei en sistemas Switch y Nintendo

Imagen: Nintendo Life Megami Tensei — also known as Shin Megami Tensei — is one of the longest-running RPG franchises in the world. But most of us wouldn’t know it. … Read More

¿Qué juegos tuvieron la duración perfecta??

Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube766k We’ve all watched films that could have stood to lose 30 minutes from their runtime. That whole last act of Bad Boys II? Should’veRead More

Los mejores niveles submarinos en Nintendo Switch

Hombre burbuja – Mega Man 2 Imagen: Capcom For the uninitiated, Bubble Man’s stage might seem kind of hellish. Después de todo, although Mega Man moves in the same way asRead More

Los mejores juegos de Prince Of Persia de todos los tiempos – Switch y sistemas Nintendo

Jordan Mechner’s 1989 platformer built on the cinematic foundations of Karateka and started a franchise which has seen its share of ups (the Sands of Time reboot, the recent LostRead More