The greatest strength of this crab-tastic Soulslike is in the way it differs from Dark Souls


Who lives in a soda can under the sea? Kril the Hermit Crab! Well, I say ‘lives in’ when actually I mean ‘wears a piece of trash to block a few attacks before it shatters.’ Our crabby protagonist Kril may look adorable scurrying across the seabed with a soda can on his back, but don’t get too attached. Your makeshift shell, which is essentially your shield, is not durable in this jocular underwater Soulslike platformer.

What fails to break, however, is my spirit. No matter how many times I am sent to my watery grave by a hostile sea creature armed with a toilet brush as a jousting pole; the frustration that goes hand-in-hand with a Soulslike simply doesn’t set in while playing Another Crab’s Treasure. Yes, I am dying repeatedly to a crustacean wearing a bow made of garbage bag ties on its head. But I am dying with a smile on my face every time.

If the concept of playing as a fork-wielding hermit crab on a quest to retrieve your shell from a (literal) loan shark all sounds very silly, let me assure you – it is. But beneath the zany juxtaposition of SpongeBob meets Soulslike lies satisfying combat, nimble platforming, lighthearted wordplay alongside social commentary on pollution. 

Shellden Ring

Another Crab's Treasure

(Image credit: Aggro Crab)

The game’s pun-filled dialogue oozes a multilayered humor we’ve come to expect from developers Aggro Crab; who’s previous release Going Under is a hilariously observant parody of failed tech startups, in dungeon crawler form, naturally. Some creatives just know how to take an outlandish idea and make it work, the tonal finesse of Aggro Crab has elevated Another Crab’s Treasure from ‘novelty crab game’ to genuinely funny, must-play Soulslike.

And yet, Soulslike feels inaccurate to describe this game. It’s a term that conjures expectations of grim atmospheres, punishing enemies and gloomy color palettes. Not to mention complex menus and character builds too. Another Crab’s Treasure is the antithesis of these traits, boasting colorful graphics, endearing characters and a simplified approach. It’s lack of direct imitation of Dark Souls makes Another Crab’s Treasure ‘Souls-esque’ at best – we may be losing ‘microplastics’ (souls) on death, or resting at a Moon Snail (bonfire) – but the games fun original concepts outshine its Souls similarities. It is, in fact, where the game differs from Dark Souls that it transcends the limits of a Soulslike in a blossoming fashion. 

Another Crab's Treasure

(Image credit: Aggro Crab)

For starters, the game offers several Assist Options that can reduce enemy damage or slow down gameplay, the most notable being the option to “give Kril a gun” which transforms his shell into a giant one-hit-kill handgun. Struggling with a boss? No problem, simply whip out your gun and blow them to smithereens in one shot, leaving your crab and your patience intact. It’s a welcome change, where it’s safe to assume that for every Soulsborne fan lamenting the easy gun mode, there’s a Soulslike newcomer picking up Another Crab’s Treasure faster than you can say “git gud.”

Another strength is the 3D platforming, where jumping, climbing and grappling your way through the vibrant underwater environment is a joyful experience in itself. It’s the combat where moving as a crab really pays off though. As you lock on to an enemy you’ll notice that Kril moves faster side-to-side than he does forward and backwards – just like a real crab. This makes for plenty of fun ways to dodge, especially when combined with limitless rolling. In another staunchly non-Soulslike move, Aggro Crab chose not to provide a Stamina bar, giving players the opportunity to roll until our crabby little hearts content. 

With just four stats to level up, you won’t get bogged down in the often overwhelming choices of customization either. The notion of choice can instead be found within the variety of protective trash you can wear as a shell.

Wearable rubbish options vary significantly, with each piece of trash possessing unique abilities called Shell Spells. From special attacks to defensive buffs, Shell Spells bring a healthy dose of variety to the combat. My personal favorite being a Banana Peel that you can eat mid-battle for a health boost. The fragility of each shell encourages players to try out loads of different shell options and discover their unique powers in battle, keeping combat feeling fresh in the process.

If you love Soulslikes, you should play Another Crab’s Treasure. If you avoid Soulslikes at all cost, then you should definitely play Another Crab’s Treasure. If anything is going to convert you to the world of dodge rolls and brutal bosses, it’s this gloriously creative entry point.

Another Crab’s Treasure is out now on PC, Xbox Series X/S, PS5, and Switch. For more recommendations, check out our Indie Spotlight series.
