The Surge in Gaming PC and Monitors Expected to Remain Strong Through 2025, Según IDC

According to the latest forecast from the International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Gaming Tracker, worldwide shipments of gaming PCs and monitors continue to grow at rates faster than their parent markets. For gaming PCs, which includes both desktop and notebook PCs, unit shipments are expected to grow from 41.3 millones en 2020 y para 52.3 millones en 2025. Similarly, the gaming monitor market is expected to jump from 14.2 million units shipped to 26.4 million during the same time frame. This equates to the two product categories having five-year compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) of 4.8% y 13.2% respectively.

The solid growth projection is based on strong recent trends. Despite high logistics costs as well as shortages of components affecting both PCs and displays, shipments in 2021 have remained brisk. The second quarter of 2021 (2Q21) terminó con envíos combinados de 15.6 millones de monitores de juegos y PC, un incremento de 19.3% en comparación con el mismo trimestre en 2020.

“El mercado de los juegos estuvo en llamas durante años antes del comienzo de la pandemia en 2020 y las cosas solo se aceleraron ya que la mayoría de las personas pasaban más tiempo en casa y frente a las pantallas,” dijo ryan reith, vicepresidente de grupo con Mobility and Consumer Device Trackers de IDC. “En este punto, la escasez de suministro mundial es bien conocida y continúa siendo un objetivo en movimiento., sin embargo, la demanda de hardware para juegos (PCs, consolas, monitores, etcétera) y los títulos continúan aumentando. Muchos han especulado que a medida que la reapertura comienza lentamente en todo el mundo, este crecimiento podría estar en peligro., pero simplemente no estamos viendo eso.”

En general, Se espera que el valor de los mercados combinados de monitores y PC para juegos aumente de $43 mil millones en 2020 a poco más $60 mil millones en 2025 con una CAGR de cinco años de 7.4%. Despite this growth, slightly different average sales price (ÁSPID) trends are expected to emerge across the two categories. For gaming PCs, IDC expects ASPs to grow from $925 last year to $1007 en 2025, despite the recent introduction of lower cost gaming desktops and notebooks. A medida que nos acercamos al lanzamiento de, gaming monitors were at $339 last year and are expected to drop to $309 en 2025.

Increasingly accessible price points and the ability to handle a variety of tasks outside of gaming are just some of the reasons we expect the gaming PC market to remain healthy in the coming years,” said Jay Chou, research manager for IDC’s Worldwide Quarterly PC Monitor Tracker. “Sin embargo, even within this performance-focused segment of the market, portability is still important, and that means gaming desktops need to innovate to compete against gaming notebooks.