Treasure aparentemente está trabajando en un “Muy solicitado” Title

Sin & Castigo
Imagen: Tesoro

Treasure — the famous Japanese developer known for titles like Héroes Gunstar, Pecado y Castigo y Ikaruga — has just celebrated its 30th anniversary this week.

Sí, although we haven’t seen a new game from the company since 2014, it’s still alive and well. Aparentemente, it’s even got plans for a highly requested title, according to a rough Google translation of a recent tweet. Here’s exactly what it had to say:

“On June 19, 2022, Treasure Co., Ltd. celebrated its 30th anniversary! This year, the 30th anniversary, we are working hard to announce the highly requested “que” título. We look forward to your continued support of Treasure.

Treasure may not have necessarily been pumping out releases, but a number of its games are still available on the Switch.

Ikaruga got a release on the hybrid platform in 2018, and classic games like Sin and Punishment, Héroes Gunstar, Alien Soldier y Cabeza de dinamita are all playable via the Switch Online Expansion Pack.

Read more – Característica: Juegos de tesoros que necesitan puertos de conmutación o secuelas

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