Vídeo: 10 Emocionantes juegos nuevos que llegarán a Nintendo Switch en junio 2024

We’re now at the halfway mark of the year for 2024 and it’s been a blast on the Switch so far with games like Mario de papel: La puerta de los mil años. Agradecidamente, there’s even more on the way in terms of first-party exclusives, with the 3DS title Mansión de Luigi 2 making a return this month in HD.

As for third-party releases, it’s just as exciting with Capcom’s 3DS game Historias de Monster Hunter also being revived for the Switch, and the Atlus title Mi increíble introducción al mundo de Nintendo making an encore with ‘Vegeance’ – a definitive version.

There’s even more to come like Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble, so check out the video above to see everything else rolling onto the Switch in June.

Star Wars: Hunters (4junio)

Star Wars Hunters