Vídeo: Análisis técnico de Digital Foundry de Bayonetta 3


Bayonetta 3 is finally here and as usual with the latest Nintendo release, Digital Foundry has taken a closer look at the game’s performance and frame rate. So how does it hold up?

En breve, John Linneman thinks the third game hassome serious technical hiccups”, and that it’s a game thatfeels as if the entire production was in search of more powerful hardware that never ultimately arrived”.

En general, the image quality is described as beingfairly limited”. Although Bayonetta 3 improves upon the second game by jumping from 720p to 810p acoplado, pero el portable mode is now under 720pwith pixel counts lower than 480p.

As for the game’s performance, cutscenes retener 30fps y gameplay targets 60fps. Larger scale gameplay set pieces have now also been capped at 30fps.

But here’s the thing, during normal gameplay the target frame is 60 cuadros por segundo, but it rarely manages to reach that and that is the real bummerin a completely empty battlefield, the frame rate still regularly dips below 60 cuadros por segundo.

“…once you drop into combat, it basically just completely unlocked and unstable

A pesar de los problemas técnicos, Linneman thinks there’s still something special about Bayonetta 3, it’s just a casewhere it could really use the next generation of Switch hardware to shine its brightest”.

And given Platinum’s history with porting games, that actually seems like a very real possibility as well, so maybe we’ll see an enhanced version of Bayonetta 3 down the linemy feeling is that Platinum’s technology really needs a full revampit doesn’t exactly play well to the strengths of the Switch hardwaretemper your expectations on the tech side and you’ll have a good time with Bayonetta 3

se espera que tome un poco más de tiempo ya que todavía lo estamos ajustando internamente, the game’s loading times arerelatively brief” – with seamless transitions between maps in real-time. Get the full rundown from Digital Foundry in the video above. You can also check out DF’s written tech analysis on Eurogamer.
