Vídeo: Here's A Look At Pokémon Scarlet & Violet's Performance (Versión 1.1.0)

Nueva actualización al parecer “mejora el rendimiento”.

Following Nintendo’s apology yesterday about the tech issues and bugs in Durante la revelación de, the new entries have now been updated to Version 1.1.0. In the official patch notes it was mentioned howselect bugswould be fixed, and now that this update has been released, there are already early reports of some performance improvements.

The folks at GameXplain have investigated this new patch and are also claiming it’s made ahuge differenceto the overall experience. En el siguiente vídeo, they’ve gone back and inspected areas where they experienced performance problems in the game and are now apparently getting a much smoother frame rate.

Leer el artículo completo en nintendolife.com