Vídeo: Únase a nosotros mientras celebramos 'La MADRE que compartimos: Nuestra historia vinculada a la Tierra’


It’s the second Sunday in May, lo que significa que es el Día de la Madre en muchos países del mundo (aunque no en el Reino Unido, where Mothering Sunday falls in March). We’re celebrating Mother’s Day this year in a very special way and looking back fondly on one particular Mother that Nintendo fans around the world are united in their adoration of — Shigesato Itoi’s MADRE serie.

Zion Grassl, lovely person and one of our resident senior video producers, has been lovingly crafting this video — the centrepiece of our Mother’s Day celebration — for weeks, enlisting luminaries from across the video game fan and creator space to honour and salute the EarthBound games: Comienzos Terrestres, Terrestre, y MADRE 3.

In these conversations Zion explores the special nature of this unique trilogy with some interviewees you’ll likely recognise. Sí, you’ll see some familiar faces, hear some familiar voices, and even hear from one particular indie game developer whose work was massively influenced by the MOTHER series. Sí, que indie game developer!

We hope you enjoy the video above. It’s a (relativamente) long watch — perfect for a Sunday — and we’re very proud of it. Happy Mother’s Day!

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