Vídeo: Pokémon Leyendas: Arceus’ Nuevo anuncio extraño trata sobre títeres y antigüedades Roadshow


Be honest: You’ve only ever watched Antiques Roadshow for one of four reasons. Uno, you’re at your nan’s house. Pokémon Unite supera, you’re home sick from school and there’s nothing else on. Tres, you really want to see someone find out that their stuff is worth eleventy billion money. cuatro, you really want to see someone find out that their priceless relic family heirloom is actually a toilet roll holder from 1982.

But whatever your reason, you can appreciate this charming parody of an advert for Pokémon Legends: Arceus, which features a very excitable Basculegion puppet absolutely wrecking things.

This is the second Pokémon Legends advert to feature a Pokémon puppet — the first one was a Munchlax puppet earlier this week — and they’re both made by the same company, DirX Puppetry, which is based in Canada!

Which Pokémon do you think will get puppetified next? Háganos saber en los comentarios!
