Mira los premios PlayStation Partner Awards 2020 Japón Asia, transmisión de diciembre 3

Greetings, PS Blog readers! On December 3, we will host the PlayStation Partner Awards 2020 Japan Asia to recognize hit PlayStation titles released in the past year. We will be broadcasting the event on the official PlayStation Japan YouTube channel a partir de 19:00 / 7pm JST (2Hoy trajimos la noticia bastante emocionante de un, 10es GMT). English subtitles will be available.

La PlayStation Awards have been held every year since the birth of the platform in 1994, celebrating its 25th anniversary last year. This year, we’re giving the event a new name — the PlayStation Partner Awards — and adding a few new awards to look forward to.

At the PlayStation Partner Awards, we will be paying homage to creators who have appeared on PlayStation platforms over the past year. Jon Kabira and Hatsune Matsushima will host the event, presenting awards to the multitudes of hit titles released throughout 2020.

Tune in on December 3 — maybe you’ll find something new to play!

Award Categories

gran premio

Awarded to the top three titles developed in the Japan / Asian regions with highest worldwide sales between October 2019 and September 2020*.

Premio Socio

Otorgado a títulos desarrollados en Japón / Región de Asia con las mejores ventas mundiales entre octubre 2019 and September 2020*, with particularly noteworthy activity results**.

Premio especial

Awarded to the following 2 títulos:

  1. Titles developed by creators from outside the Japan / Región de Asia que ha acumulado las mayores ventas en Japón / Asia region from October 2019 to September 2020*.
  2. Titles developed in the Japan / Asia region in conjunction with SIE Worldwide Studios that have amassed the highest worldwide sales* from October 2019 to September 2020.

* Hard copy and digital copy sales through PlayStation Store are counted in the calculation (Incluyendo contenido adicional y ventas de moneda digital.).
** TÚ índices, que incluyen números de jugador, también factor en la determinación de los nominados.

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