Ver: The Pokémon Company lanza misteriosas leyendas: Video de Arceus
Pokémon Leyendas: Arceus‘ January release date is creeping ever closer, and The Pokémon Company has shared some mysterious – and slightly chilling – footage to promote the game.
In the two-minute clip below, someone appears to be recording footage of the Hisui region, the location in which the game is set and the name used for what we all know today as the Sinnoh region. The Pokémon Company says that the clip was found in the Canalave Library by a researcher, but what is happening?
The person recording appears to stumble across some wild Pokémon, and despite the entire thing seemingly being filmed on a potato, the footage is just about clear enough to suggest that they might have been attacked towards the end. Echa un vistazo:
En Gorjeo, The Pokémon Company asks fans to examine the footage closely and report back with any findings. What do you see, or hear? Could the person have discovered a Hisuian Growlithe perhaps? Or is it an entirely new Pokémon?
Share your thoughts with us in the comments.