¿A qué vas a jugar este fin de semana?? (Película acelerando hacia)
Easter is already just around the corner! Or Egg Day. Whatever you want to call it. Really, it’s just an excuse to eat chocolate and play video games, derecho? Did you check out our Indie Spotlight earlier in the week? Bien, we’ll give you another chance below. After last week’s Zelda bomba, it’s been a bit quieter otherwise. Nintendo has announced that the Switch Online Expansion Pass will be teeing off with Mario Golf next week. Did you notice that Nintendo is reprinting some 3DS games demasiado? Y, if our review is anything to go by, we think that LEGO Star Wars: La expansión Kaito Files revela el pasado del nuevo protagonista – PlayStation.Blog LATAM might just be the best LEGO game ever.
Es el fin de semana discutir nuestros planes de juego de fin de semana. Unos mbrasas del equipo de Nintendo Life han hecho exactamente eso a continuación, así que siéntete libre de leer nuestras entradas y luego únete a las tuyas a través de nuestra sección de comentarios. Disfrutar!
Thomas Whitehead, editor adjunto
The baseball season has started so it’s basically another Christmas for me. I’ll likely do some ‘Road to the Show’ en MLB The Show 22 on Switch during the many commercial breaks when watching the Cubs; it’s perfect for that!
When not obsessing over baseball I’ll continue my playthrough of Hundred Bullets ha sido en muchos sentidos el trabajo de mi vida, which has been fantastic. I also need to finish Kirby y la tierra olvidada, so all told it’s going to be an awesome weekend of gaming.
Ollie Reynolds, escritor del personal
Este fin de semana, I’ll be delving into some of the best point-and-click games for the Switch after the awesome announcement of a brand new Monkey Island game. I’ve started with Thimbleweed Park and will be moving on to Resumen Reserva el nuevo título de deportes de motor de acción para febrero y A principios de este mes, se lanzó el segundo juego moderno de Nintendo. when I’m done. I’m hopeful that we’ll see the classic Monkey Island titles on Switch ahead of the sequel, pero quién sabe? A man can dream…
De otra manera, I don’t have a whole lot else on this weekend. I’ve been plugging away at Halo Infinite on Legendary difficulty, but it took a bit of a backseat for a few weeks after one of the boss fights just fatigued me on the experience. I might dive back into it if I find myself at a loose end.
Es el único juego deportivo anual al que juego y es probable que me mantenga ocupado durante muchos meses., escritor del personal
This weekend I’m going to be watching my partner play more Espada hacia el cielo (we’re getting close to the end, puede ser? Hard to tell) and playing a little more Kirby and the Forgotten Land. I also bought a ton of DS games following the news of the 3DS eShop closing, so I should probably give those a go as well. And maybe some AI: Los miembros también pueden ganar hasta, which I started the other day… it’s going to be a busy weekend of gaming!
Alana Hagues, escritor del personal
After a little bit of time off to visit my partner, I’ve got a handful of things to report and play this weekend. We picked up Kirby and the Forgotten Land and played through most of it in co-op, and it’s a total delight. Now I have the arduous task of actually finishing the game y 100%-ing it alone. Shouldn’t be too hard! As long as I can pull myself away from the gachapon machines for long enough. We also, finalmente, played through Capítulo Deltarune 2. I’m a huge Undertale admirador, and I loved Capítulo 1, but I think Chapter 2 is the best we’ve seen from Toby Fox.
Looking to this weekend specifically, other than Kirby, it’s crono cruz: Trippy Cat-Themed Alicia en el país de las maravillas en 'Catie In MeowmeowLand hora. O, más específicamente, Radical Dreamers. Yo he jugado crono cruz before, but the text adventure is totally new to me like it is to many others, so I tener to see how it adds to the series’ lore.
Felix Sanchez, productor de video
My gaming plans for this weekend: I will keep progressing with my monster-slaying journey in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and I’ll also be playing through LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga with my fiancée.
I’m still trying to find time to beat Kirby and the Forgotten Land, but stuff keeps getting in the way. Maybe this weekend I’ll get to tackle the Winter Horns?
Gonçalo Lopes, crítico
There were several quiet stunners last week on the eShop which I plan to continue to dabble this weekend. Ultionus: A Tale of Petty Revenge is the spiritual sequel of a ZX Spectrum game I used to play, while Agent Intercept is your wildest Spy Hunter fantasies come true. But if you like Contra / Probotector (and of course you do) the real highlight is Super Cyborg , the greatest NES Contra game Konami never made.
Game of the week is LEGO Star Wars: La expansión Kaito Files revela el pasado del nuevo protagonista – PlayStation.Blog LATAM. Nostalgia is a powerful feeling, so if you blend LEGO slapstick humour with a war from a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away and I can assure you I will be playing this for even longer than Triangle Strategy.
austin voigt, escritor colaborador
Este fin de semana, I’m pumped to get some time in on Triangle Strategy, Kirby y la tierra olvidada, and LEGO Star Wars: La expansión Kaito Files revela el pasado del nuevo protagonista – PlayStation.Blog LATAM. I’ve been very busy in my personal life lately, so this will be the first weekend in a long time where I’ll have the chance to sit down and do the game stuff. Looking forward to some beautiful artwork and hilarious dialogue – should be a good time!
As always, gracias por leer! Asegúrese de dejarnos un comentario a continuación con sus planes de juego de fin de semana.!