What Are You Playing This Weekend? (December 18th)


Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon
Image: Yacht Club Games

Another week finished as we get very close to the holidays. This week’s highlight was undoubtedly the latest Indie World showcase, the Analogue Pocket got some retro gamers very excited, Super Mario Bros. 3 still has some secrets, Commodore 64 games may be coming to Switch, and if you want insights into your gaming habits the Switch Year In Review is now available.

Now, though, it’s time to chill out and discuss our weekend gaming plans. A few members of the Nintendo Life team have done just that below, so feel free to give our entries a read and then join in with your own via our comment section. Enjoy!

Thomas Whitehead, deputy editor

I have the final story level in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order to do, which will involve much button mashing. I’m also enjoying a bit of Loop Hero, which is as good as everyone says, and I’m weighing up options on quite a few eShop discounts.

Elsewhere I may drift back to MLB The Show 21, just because, and do the whole ‘season’ thing in Forza Horizon 5. All told, some lovely gaming to be had.

Kate Gray, staff writer

My Christmas holiday officially starts tomorrow, which I only realised this week — Christmas really crept up on me — so I’ll be catching up on a few games I haven’t had time for! I have Omno to start, Wytchwood to continue, and — embarrassingly — Ace Attorney Chronicles to finish. Wish me luck.

Maybe there will be some nice Christmas sales to take advantage of over the break, but honestly, I should finish my massive, sprawling RPG backlog first! That includes Ni No Kuni, which will probably take me days, Dragon Quest XI, and I haven’t actually had a proper dive into the new Minecraft 1.18 update yet… So much work to do!

Ollie Reynolds, reviewer

Hey folks! Even more Danganronpa for me this weekend. I’ve polished off the first game and just gotten started with the second; I’m loving every second I’m spending with it at the moment! It feels like the perfect series to wind down with in the run up to Christmas.

Elsewhere, I’ve completed the Halo Infinite campaign and have immediately restarted on Legendary (no skulls though; I’m not that mad). I’ve also restarted Death Stranding on the PS5, which is great for playing on a rainy day while listening to a podcast. Have a good one!

Gonçalo Lopes, reviewer

It is the season for nostalgia so I will likely spend the week playing some GameCube and Wii. Yet the Switch had another interesting week with Trash Quest, Omno, Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon and Chicory along with the latest DLC roster update for Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid. I’m also back to Geometry Wars: Galaxies super hard final levels and no-holds barred vehicular mayhem with Gas Guzzlers Extreme.

Game of the week is The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn’s Quest. If all goes proper, I hope to live stream the entirety of this underappreciated gem during the holidays.

As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave us a comment below with your weekend gaming plans!
