¿A qué vas a jugar este fin de semana?? (25 de septiembre) – Punto de hablar

Imagen: Konami

Bien, Ha sido a Nintendo Direct week! The new voice of Mario ha sido revelado, Brewster’s back in Animal Crossing, Kirby’s gone all Last of Us in his next 3D adventure, and — biggest news of all — Banjo’s coming back on a Nintendo console thanks to the inclusion of Banjo-Kazooie in the upcoming N64 additions to Nintendo Switch Online. Eekum bokum!

After all that it’s time to chill out and discutir nuestros planes de juego de fin de semana. Unos mbrasas del equipo de Nintendo Life han hecho exactamente eso a continuación, así que siéntete libre de leer nuestras entradas y luego únete a las tuyas a través de nuestra sección de comentarios. Disfrutar!

Tom Whitehead, editor adjunto

I’m currently back onto El gran as abogado, which is weird and wonderful and a very relaxing time. Some of the same terms could be used for Mejor actor de voz, which I picked up last week and am enjoying a lotit’s a game full of heart.

Elsewhere I’m playing Vengadores de Marvel, that game everyone dunks on because its grind is boring. As I got it cheap and am only interested in the campaign content, sin embargo, I’m having a good time (maybe helped by the fact it’s the ‘next-gen enhanced’ versión); it’s a classic 7/10 juego, but I’m enjoying some mindless action after long workdays.

Es el único juego deportivo anual al que juego y es probable que me mantenga ocupado durante muchos meses., escritor del personal

This weekend I’m practically LOADED up with games: Triturador de bestias, Mejor actor de voz, and maybe even a few games on the ol’ SNES, which we got set up recently. It’s a retro-palooza!

I’m also light on reviews this week, finalmente, so I’ll get to play some of my backlog: isleños, limo ranchero, and maybe even a bit of Subnautica to break up all the gentle farmy-type games. I’m EXTREMELY excited about it being Autumn, so I can cosy up with my Switch by the fireplace (which is just an animated pixel fireplace, y Minecraft Live también) with a hot chocolate and some COSY SOCKS. Heck yeah.

Ollie Reynolds, crítico

Hey gente! Like many this weekend, I’ll be playing through the newly announced Colección Castlevania Advance. I have to give Konami props for bringing out this set; any move to make older games more accessible to new audiences is a big win in my book. You can practically hear the eBay sellers scream in frustration…

That’s pretty much it for the Switch this weekend, but I’ll also be diving back into Muerte varada on PS5 now that the Director’s Cut has launched; can’t wait to do some walking!

Gonçalo Lopes, crítico

Still continuing my Misión frontal campaign replay along with a quick dash of Cruis’n Blast here and there. Good timing on Castlevania Advance Collection since, as I previously mentioned, Castlevania: Aria del dolor is due for a revisit. Yet the most important task for this weekend is to clear me entire schedule for the up and coming ZDR planetary excursion.

Game of the week is the aptly named ActRaiser Renaissance. Es 2021 and there is a main title screen on my giant TV with the words “Quintet” and “Yuzo Koshiro” in the bottom copyright fine-print. The new soundtrack orchestration alone is worth the admission price. Maybe this is not the darkest timeline after all

As always, gracias por leer! Asegúrese de dejarnos un comentario a continuación con sus planes de juego de fin de semana.!