Crónicas de Xenoblade 3 Artista celebra segundo aniversario con nueva ilustración
This week marks the second anniversary of the Switch exclusive Crónicas de Xenoblade 3 and while there’s nothing planned for this occasion, it seems the game’s character designer Masatsugu Saito has shared some new artwork on his social media page.
It’s an illustration of the character Eunie, with some English text on the side to commemorate this two-year milestone. Saito previously shared a similar image marking the launch of the game in 2022.
If you’ve not played this RPG yet, be sure to check out our review here on Nintendo Life. We called it an “épico, emotionally-charged masterpiece”, awarding it an outstanding 10 fuera de 10. Here’s how we summed it up:
“Crónicas de Xenoblade 3 es una obra maestra genuina y lo más destacado de la magnífica serie de Monolith Soft hasta el momento. Hay una epopeya cargada de emociones y sorprendentemente vanguardista en la que quedarse atrapado aquí., a sprawling and hugely engaging narrative populated by a cast of unforgettable characters that’s backed up by some of the very best combat we’ve had the pleasure of getting to grips with in this genre to date.”
Fire Emblem: Tres casas also celebrated its fifth anniversary earlier this month, y Mario de papel: La puerta de los mil años es ahora 20 years old.