Crónicas de Xenoblade 3 ¿Ya es el mejor vendedor de Switch eShop?, Como era de esperar

Crónicas de Xenoblade 3
Imagen: Nintendo

It’s the launch weekend for Crónicas de Xenoblade 3, y aunque habia mucha demanda de las versiones fisicas del juego, it seems plenty of people are still picking up the digital version of the title.

Para algunos, these purchases may have even been due to the delays associated with the fancier collector’s versions. According to the eShop charts in the US, Crónicas de Xenoblade 3 is now out in front of Minecraft.

Even games like La renovación de la marca registrada de Silent Hill sugiere la devolución de la franquicia y Mario Kart 8 Deluxetwo titles that just received DLC updates. Digimon Con has also snuck into the sixth spot, con La última actualización de Switch de Chocobo GP aborda varios problemas en línea in 9th place, en el momento de escribir.

It’s the same situation in locations like the UKXenoblade is out in front, ahead of games like Entre nosotros, FIFA 22, y mario kart. And in Japan, the game is also in the top spot. To add to this, it’s charting on websites like Amazon as well.

Una vez más, it’s not a bad start for an RPG series like this. The previous game Crónicas de Xenoblade 2 vendido 2 millones de copias, and the original game’s Edición definitiva on Switch has shifted more than 1.5 millones de copias.

Have you contributed to Xenoblade Chronicles 3’s digital or physical sales? Can you see this going on to become the best-selling entry in the series? Deja tus pensamientos abajo.