Fortnite Season 8 – Week 8 Challenges
The season seems to be nearing the end of season 8 with all the new changes going on the map over the past couple of weeks, with the biggest change being the loot lake structure which could be revealed at any time.
Moving on to week 8’s challenges, these aren’t the average and have a lot of diversity.

Free Challenges
Stage 1: Search the treasure map signpost found in Paradise Palms [1]
Stage 2: Search the X on the treasure map signpost in Paradise Palms [1]
Use Vending Machines in (3) different matches [5] See Our Vending Machine Location Map
Deal (100) damage to opponents while using at least one balloon [10]
Battle Pass Challenges
Search (7) Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces under bridges and in caves [5]
Stage 1: Dial the Durrr Burger number on the big telephone west of Fatal Fields – [2]
Stage 2: Dial the Pizza Pit number on the big telephone east of The Block – [3]
Eliminate (7) opponents at Dusty Divot or Lucky Landing – [10]
Eliminate (2) opponent from at least 50m away – [10]