Activision Blizzard | Activision Blizzard annonce les développements du conseil d'administration: Lulu Cheng Meservey élue et Kerry Carr nominée aux élections


SANTA MONICA, Californie.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Avr. 21, 2022–
Activision Blizzard (NASDAQ: ATVI) today announced the election of Lulu Cheng Meservey to the Company’s Board of Directors. En plus, the Company announced that Kerry Carr will be nominated for election to the Company’s Board of Directors at Activision Blizzard’s 2022 annual meeting of stockholders (the “2022 Annual Meeting”).

Ms. gemme joined the Board on Avril 16 and is serving on the Workplace Responsibility Committee. Ms. gemme will stand for re-election to the Board at the Company’s 2022 Annual Meeting. If elected, Ms. Carr will serve on the Audit Committee.

Hendrik J. Hartong III and Casey Wasserman have chosen not to stand for re-election at the 2022 Annual Meeting. Their service as directors will conclude upon the election of directors at the 2022 Annual Meeting.

“The addition of Lulu as a director and Kerry as a director nominee is a continuation of our Board refreshment process and underscores our commitment to broadening the skills, experiences, and diverse backgrounds of our directors," mentionné Robert Morgado, Lead Independent Director. “On behalf of the entire Board, I want to thank Henk and Casey for their commitment to Activision Blizzard au cours des années. Their strategic leadership and counsel have been invaluable, and we are extremely grateful to them both.”

Bobby Kotick, CEO, Activision Blizzard, mentionné, “Lulu and Kerry will add important skills and experience as we continue to focus on building an exemplary workplace to make great games.”

Ms. gemme mentionné, “It is a privilege to join Activision Blizzard’s Board at such a crucial juncture in the Company’s history, as big opportunities lie ahead and the mission to connect people around the world is more important than ever. I look forward to bringing my experience to the Company as it delivers on key priorities for employees, shareholders, and players worldwide.”

Ms. Carr mentionné, “I am excited about the prospect of joining the Board of Activision Blizzard, a world-class entertainment company with a great foundation and significant opportunity ahead. The Company has made some important strategic and cultural advances and I hope to be elected so I can be part of the efforts to further progress the company’s plans for the future.”

Sur Lulu Cheng MeserveyMs. gemme is the Vice President of Communications at Substack, an online platform for independent publishers of newsletters and podcasts, a role she has held since Juin 2021. Prior to joining Substack, Ms. gemme co-founded the communications agency TrailRunner International and served as its Chief Operating Officer from Mai 2016 à Janvier 2021 and as its President from Janvier 2021 à Juin 2021. From 2013 à 2016, Ms. gemme worked in the office of the chairman at McLarty Associates, a global strategic advisory firm headquartered in Washington, D.C., and she continued to serve as an advisor from 2016 à 2021. Her prior experience includes positions with the World Bank, where she advised on international open data initiatives, le MIT Lincoln Laboratory, where she worked on an international framework of norms in cyberspace, and as a financial analyst at J.P. Morgan. Ms. gemme holds a B.A. in political science from Yale University and an M.A. in law and diplomacy from The Fletcher School à Tufts University.

Sur Kerry CarrMs. Carr is the Senior Vice President Global Performance Management, Revenue Growth Management and Shared Services at Bacardi Limited, a privately held spirits company. She has held the role of Senior Vice President Global Performance Management since Avril 2020, et en Avril 2021, became the Senior Vice President Global Performance Management, Revenue Growth Management and Shared Services and was appointed to the CEO’s Global Leadership Team. Prior to that, Ms. Carr served as Global Senior Vice President—Continuous Improvement and Special Projects from 2014 jusqu'à 2020 at Bacardi. Ms. Carr held a number of positions in finance, operations, supply chain and organizational design before joining Bacardi, including serving as: Vice-président exécutif, Chief Operating Officer, and Chief Financial Officer at Kid Brands, Inc. à partir de 2012 à 2014; in positions of increasing responsibility in finance and operations at Avon Products, Inc. à partir de 2003 à 2012; Vice President of Internal Audit and Corporate Security at AT&T Inc. à partir de 2001 à 2003; Vice-président principal & Chief Financial Officer at ABC Television Stations and Radio Group à partir de 1999 à 2001; Vice President Worldwide Management Audit and International Labor Standards Compliance at The Walt Disney Company from 1996 à 1999; Vice President of Internal Audit at Capital Cities/ABC, Inc. à partir de 1991 à 1996; and various financial management and audit roles at Deloitte & Touche à partir de 1985 à 1991. Ms. Carr holds a B.B.A. in public accounting from Hofstra University.

Sur Activision Blizzard

Notre mission, pour connecter et engager le monde à travers un divertissement épique, n'a jamais été aussi important. Grâce à des communautés ancrées dans nos franchises de jeux vidéo, nous permettons à des centaines de millions de personnes de vivre la joie, frisson et accomplissement. Nous permettons les connexions sociales à travers le prisme du plaisir, et nous encourageons l'objectif et le sentiment d'accomplissement grâce à une saine concurrence. Comme le sport, mais avec une plus grande accessibilité, nos joueurs peuvent trouver un but et un sens grâce au jeu compétitif. Jeux vidéo, contrairement à tout autre média social ou de divertissement, ont la capacité de briser les barrières qui peuvent entraver la tolérance et la compréhension. Célébrer les différences est au cœur de notre culture et nous permet de créer des jeux pour des joueurs d'horizons divers dans le 190 pays où nos jeux sont joués.

En tant que membre de la Fortune 500 et en tant que société composante de la S&P 500, nous avons une feuille de route extraordinaire en matière de rendements supérieurs pour les actionnaires depuis plus de 30 years.

Nos franchises durables sont parmi les plus populaires au monde, y compris Call of Duty®, Crash Bandicoot™, Warcraft®, Overwatch®, Diablo®, StarCraft®, Candy Crush™, Sorcière aux bulles™, Pet Rescue™ et Farm Heroes™. Notre succès soutenu a permis à l'entreprise de soutenir des initiatives de responsabilité sociale d'entreprise qui sont directement liées à nos franchises. Par exemple, notre dotation Call of Duty a aidé à trouver un emploi pendant plus de 90,000 anciens combattants.

En savoir plus sur Activision Blizzard et comment nous nous connectons et engageons le monde grâce à des divertissements épiques sur le site Web de l'entreprise,

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Contact presse:

[email protected]

Source: Activision Blizzard, Inc.
