BATTRE! PARLEZ! Utilise Gag TED Talks pour vous aider à apprendre la langue anglaise


Back in early September we covered the asobu Indie Showcase, an online event from a Tokyo-based organisation that promotes and supports independent developers. Quite a few Switch games were featured, including some that we assumed would be Japan-only titles.

BATTRE! PARLEZ! was one of the games we doubted would arrive globally, yet it turns out we were wrong. Developer Gift-10’s project is out now globally on the eShopit’s designed to help people learn the rhythm and tempo of speaking English, with supported languages being Japanese, Korean and Chinese.

As you can see in the trailer it has a quirky style, but you can learn more about its goals in the official description below:

As you play the rhythm game you will begin to experience the bouncy beat that English has. Whenever you press a button you can speak the word out loud along with the game’s natural pronunciation. Before you know it, you’ll find yourself naturally saying a lot of English!

Main Features

Comprehensive tutorials to help you overcome your weaknesses
Medal mode that allows you to practice progressively
Pro mode to try for high scores
– 40 humorous and varied speeches
Expert supervision to ensure effective learning

As always it’s interesting to see some of the more experimental projects that appear on the eShop; Faites-nous savoir ce que vous pensez dans les commentaires.
