Bien-aimé 2010 le jeu de tir Singularity revient dans la vitrine de Microsoft, mais les fans espèrent une sortie Game Pass ou Xbox: “Est-ce qu'ils préparent un porto?”

Suivant le Xbox 360 store shutdown in July, Raven Software’s iconic shooter Singularité was no longer available via Microsoft – until now, c'est.

Eagle-eyed fans have spotted a new référencement for Singularity on the Microsft Storebut much like its Steam homologue, it’s a PC-only listing which means that it includes no achievements or compatibility on Xbox. Despite these caveats, le 2010 horror shooter’s seemingly sudden reappearance has sparked hopes of a possible future launch on Game Pass as well as a fresh Xbox port.

Fans discuss the possibilities in a recent Reddit fil, where they speculate about backward compatibility, Game Pass, new ports, et de plus. “Only on PC and no achievements but still VERY interesting,” writes one. “Are they cooking a port for current-gen consoles or making the 360 version BC too? Or is this just a random game they decided to put on the MS Store?” Others wonder why the listing wasstealth dropped” sur le magasin.

Singularity by Raven Software has been relisted à partir de r/xbox

Considering they didn’t announce anything officially (to my knowledge), I assume there might be either a console port or BC port in development.Replies bring up examples of similar releases, like the Crash Bandicoot N. Trilogie saine ce qui était “stealth-dropped on the MS store for PC months before it came to Game Pass.A fan says that such scenarios are why they’llbe cautiously optimistic that this is in preparation for a bigger announcement.

There’s no telling what’s in store behind the scenes for Singularityit is certainly interesting that the PC-only version of the game emerged on the Microsoft Store just a couple of months after its initial Xbox delisting, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that anything more is planned for the banger FPS. Indépendamment, fans are maintaininglots of hopethat Singularity and other beloved games will come to Game Pass or get new ports.

Want something solid to look forward to? Here are some new games coming this year and beyond.