Méfiez-vous; Ultra Costumes d'horreur Street Fighter IV Are Coming!
Hey guys, it’s almost time for Halloween and you know what that means right? It’s time to terrify the competition with something even scarier than landing all your one frame links without plinking; that’s right, the all new Horror costumes for USFIV are set to launch this October 27 th through Steam, PS4, PS3 and Xbox360.
Continue on for more details!
For those looking to cause pandemonium online with these creepy costumes, you’ll be able to purchase all of them under the Complete Horror Pack at $19.99 (€17.99/£14.99) or if you would like, just choose packs consisting of your favorite characters for $3.99 (€3.99/£3.29).
I have to say, these costumes are some of the best yet. Take a look below to get a peek of each character’s costume, as well as find out who’s included in each pack.
2014 Challengers Horror Pack
Arcade Challengers Horror Pack
Brawler Horror Pack
Challengers Horror Pack 1
Challengers Horror Pack 2
Classic Horror Pack
Femme Fatale Horror Pack
Shadoloo Horror Pack
Shoryuken Horror Pack
Those are some pretty cool costumes, droite? And remember, these are just the default colors! My personal favorites are Elena, Hugo and Hakan. Which are your favorites?