Buzzwole fléchit ses muscles dans une nouvelle bande-annonce de Pokémon Unite Spotlight


Last month saw the Eevee evolution Glaceon join the Pokémon s'unissent roster, and now it’s Buzzwole’s turn. Oui, that’s right – the bug/fighting type Ultra Beast is joining the fight.

Ahead of its release on 3rd August (that’s later today), The Pokémon Company has shared a new spotlight trailershowcasing this fighter’s abilities in battle. Jetez un oeil:

The addition of Buzzwole is part of Unite’s first anniversary celebrations, which kicked off last month. This fighter will eventually be followed by Tyranitar on 15th August.

Dans des nouvelles quelque peu liées, a new Pokémon Presents will also be airing later today. You’ll be able to catch the entire stream here on Nintendo Life.

What do you think of the latest Pokémon to join the Unite roster? Commentez ci-dessous.
