Deals: Metroid Dread et un nouveau Pokémon Snap à seulement 30 £ sur Amazon UK en ce moment

Metroid Dread Pokemon Deal
Image: Nintendo

Amazon UK has two of 2021’s biggest Switch games discounted at the moment, with the price of both Terreur Metroid et Nouveau Pokémon Snap reduced to just £30.

The deal is for the physical versions of the games. Mario Golf: Super Rush was apparently also part of the deal, although at the time of writing it doesn’t appear to be available for the lower price — we’ll update this article if that changes.

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Metroid Dread picked up multiple Game of the Year awards — including both yours et ours — and New Pokémon Snap was a very welcome return to the photo-focused series that had its first installment sur N64. It also happens to be the best-looking Pokémon game ever. Well worth snapping up, especially at this price.

Let us know below if you’ll be snapping up these deals.