Digimon Monde: Fréquence d'images de la prochaine commande, Résolution et taille de fichier pour Switch révélées


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Digimon fans will want to make some space on their Switch with the arrival of Digimon Monde: Prochaine commande next month. Cette nouvelle version du 2016 PlayStation Vita release comes with a brand new ‘Beginnermode on Switch and also other features like the ability to run faster.

Additionally, there are improved specs. As highlighted via a translation, the official Japanese game website has revealed the title islargely a 60 FPS experience”, but can drop to 30 FPS in certain circumstances. In terms of resolution, the game will run at 1080p docked and 720p handheld. In contrast, the PS4 version runs at a consistent 60 FPS, with a resolution of 1080p.

Read the article complet sur nintendolife.com
