Ne manquez pas le /twitchgaming: Vitrine d'automne ID@Xbox
De bonnes choses doivent arriver quand vous mélangez [email protégé] et /twitchgaming! Here we are once again to showcase updates and new announcements of amazing games coming to Xbox from independent developers.
You can watch the /twitchgaming: [email protégé] Fall Showcase exclusively on Twitch at ou
This year we’d like to kick off the showcase with a pre-show by Black Girl Gamers. They’ll be showing us some exciting gameplay of Versus Evil’s multiplayer deception madness game, Éville. The pre-show will kick off on Wednesday, Septembre 14 à 9:30 a.m. PT and can be watched directly at or during the co-stream on ou
The main showcase itself will feature updates for Metal: Chanteur infernal, Vous sucez au stationnement, et de plus. Look out for new announces and trailers, what’s coming soon to Game Pass, a deeper dive with developer interviews, and gameplay of chasseurs de fantômes: Esprits libérés (plus a couple other fun titles). Catch this part of the show on Mercredi, Septembre 14 à 10 a.m. PT on Twitch at ou
For all you Twitch streamers, this event is open to co-streaming. Here are directions on how to do just that!
We hope you can join us for this 90 plus minutes of exciting news and debuts on Wednesday, Septembre 14 à 10 a.m. PT for the /twitchgaming: [email protégé] Vitrine d'automne! Pour toutes les dernières [email protégé] nouvelles, be sure to stay tuned to Xbox fil et @ID_Xbox sur Twitter.