Dying Light 2 Restez humain ne cesse de s'agrandir avec un tout nouveau chapitre gratuit


Techland is staying true to its promise of 5 years of post-launch support for Dying Light 2 Reste humain, aiming to keep players busy long after finishing the game. Soon you’ll get to explore the first free chapter called “In the Footsteps of a Nightrunner.” You will be tasked with fighting Special Infected and the two new variants that make it even more challenging to survive the night. To assist you on your mission, a Nightrunner Agent grants you access to a special new menu with various activities that must be pursued to gain reputation points. Enough of them will let you rank up and acquire tokens to purchase new gear or entry tickets to unique missions.

Follow in the footsteps of a Nightrunner and explore what new content awaits you.

Meet Harper, a Nightrunner of Old

With a sudden spike in Infected numbers in The City, a new character vendor appears at the Fish Eye Canteen. His name is Harper, soldier turned Nightrunner. He once shielded The City and pledged to protect it; now he offers you his help. Harper grants you access to a unique shop with an assortment of Bounties to complete and amazing gear to buy. But before you go out shopping, you’ll have to prove yourself to him. You can only purchase his items if you first reach a high enough rank.

Rank System and New Gear

Harper’s shop acts as your gateway to the new rank system. Rank up by accumulating enough reputation points through various activities and exchange them for one of the new in-game currencies – the tokens. The second added currency can be obtained through slaughtering enemies: the mutation samples. New ranks unlock new goods that let you spend your hard-earned resources on high-end gear, armes, and consumables. Take note that some items will be locked away until you reach the required rank.

Take on New Missions and Complete Bounties

Harper offers you a special item called Mission Tickets. These will grant you access to deadly and punishing Missions where you will have to endure time trials that will test your stealth, Parkour, and combat to the limit. Failure to finish the objective on time or death means game over. Stock up on multiple tickets before throwing your hat into the ring! That’s not all. Additionally, you will be tasked with facing the infected head-on in a series of daily and weekly activities. Daily bounties offer up to five smaller-scale encounters that change in constant rotation every 24 hours. Weekly bounties however, are far more complex than their daily counterpart. These activities are greater in scope and place far more attention on facing off against the new enemy types.

Face the mutated infected

New dangerous variants have appeared in The City. In the depths of Dark Hollows or cleared GRE Quarantine Zones, you may meet an immobile but very dangerous Volatile Hive. Be very careful. It can summon nearby Volatiles to protect it as you try to loot it.

The second new variant, a Volatile Tyrant, is far more aggressive but at the same time, rare to come by. Be prepared to face the elusive hunter on the rooftops at night while it’s feasting. Out of all the Infected in the game, these two newcomers harbor the largest amounts of mutation samples, making for a dangerous but worthwhile confrontation.

“Chapter 1: In the Footsteps of a Nightrunner” will be released for free. Get ready to face tough-to-the-bone foes. Don’t miss out on new special gear and remember, there are more chapters to come!

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Dying Light 2 Reste humain






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Il y a plus de vingt ans à Harran, nous avons combattu le virus et perdu. Maintenant, nous perdons encore. La ville, l'un des derniers grands établissements humains, est déchiré par le conflit. La civilisation est retombée dans l'âge des ténèbres. Et encore, nous avons encore de l'espoir.

Vous êtes un vagabond avec le pouvoir de changer le destin de la ville. Mais vos capacités exceptionnelles ont un prix. Hanté par des souvenirs que tu ne peux pas déchiffrer, vous partez à la découverte de la vérité… et vous vous retrouvez dans une zone de combat. Affûtez vos compétences, pour vaincre vos ennemis et vous faire des alliés, vous aurez besoin de poings et d'esprit. Percez les sombres secrets derrière les détenteurs du pouvoir, choisis ton camp et décide de ton destin. Mais où que tes actions te mènent, il y a une chose que vous ne pouvez jamais oublier : restez humain.

Participez à la vie d'une ville plongée dans une nouvelle ère sombre. Découvrez différents chemins et passages cachés, en explorant ses multiples niveaux et emplacements.

Tirez parti de vos compétences en parkour pour faire pencher la balance de la rencontre la plus brutale. Pensée intelligente, les pièges et les armes créatives seront vos meilleurs amis.

Attendez la nuit pour vous aventurer dans les cachettes sombres des infectés. La lumière du soleil les tient à distance, mais une fois que c'est parti, les monstres commencent la chasse, laissant leurs repaires libres d'explorer.

Façonnez l'avenir de The City avec vos actions et observez son évolution. Déterminez l'équilibre du pouvoir en faisant des choix dans un conflit croissant et forgez votre propre expérience.

Jouez en coopération jusqu'à quatre joueurs. Hébergez vos propres jeux ou rejoignez d'autres et voyez comment leurs choix se sont déroulés différemment des vôtres.
