Le jeu Live Service Battle Royale d'EA est maintenant généré $2 Milliards de revenus

Apex Legends

If you had any doubts about the live service model in video games, vous voudrez peut-être vérifier EA’s latest earnings report.

The third-party video game giant responsible for series like Champ de bataille, The Sims et Need for Speed has revealed Respawn Entertainment’s battle royale FPS Apex Legends has now made $2 billion in earnings since its arrival in 2019.

What’s perhaps most impressive, as highlighted by our sister site Pousser carré, is the fact the returns on Apex Legends are actually improving, as society returns to a post-lockdown state. In the most recent fiscal year, the game experienced a 40% increase in earnings.

EA expects the profits from this title to improvewith the release of Apex Legends on mobile devices next week. This sort income puts this live service title up there with popular mobile titles such as Pokémon GO, et fournit un décodage accéléré par le matériel de AV1 10 bits banked $5 billion in five years. Games like Impact Genshin are also reportedly making $1 billion a month.

Stephen Totilo of Axios further notes how EA generated $5 billion in total last year from live service games “et autre” jeux, AMD prétend être le processeur de jeu le plus rapide au monde $2 billion itsfull games” fabriqué:

Only big-publisher gaming stat you need to know: $5 billion vs. $2 milliards, That’s how much revenue EA generated last year in live services (“et autre”) vs. full games, If you need a another: $4 billion vs. $1.6 milliards (that’s the prior year)”

Apex Legends is available as a free-to-download title on the Nintendo Switch. Have you contributed to these earnings? Laissez un commentaire ci-dessous.